  • 中文名称:
  • 发布日期:
  • 更新日期:
  • 文件大小:
  • 游戏语言:
  • 英文名称:
    Divinity: Original Sin
  • 游戏制作:
    Larian Studios
  • 游戏发行:
    Larian Studios
  • 上市时间:
  • 官方网址:
XP/Vista/Win7 x32/Win7 x64/Win8 x32/Win8 x64




- 我们趁机更新PC版本,因此它抯同步于
- 屏幕上的通知改进
- 增加了范围手榴弹工具提示
- 增加了正确的反馈,使用某些技能在技能菜单和快捷栏
- 增加功能,可以让您通过设备的屏幕上,从装备你队伍中的其他字符的项目(控制器只)
- 增加了狗腿子类图标心腹名单
- 增加了缺少多个声音事件
- 改进的滚动多个接口
- 改进的默认声音级别
- 改变采集行为的容器内堆放的物品
- 与识别的物品固定输入问题
- 固定的问题,可以阻止启动和新的游戏连接本地主机
- 在选项菜单固定UI问题
- 在残局级中的固定图形问题
- 在战斗中固定摄像机的问题
- 修正了角色分配问题
- 修正了项目名称闪烁时有大量的战利品是在屏幕上
- 修正了相关的各种UI问题文本在消息框不恰当
- 修正了阻塞问题涉及到负载,而几位主角在对话/监听模式
- 修正了战斗流问题
- 固定的问题与取消的动作去除潜行模式
- 修正了可用性问题,拾起附近玩家角色的物品
- 修正了在战斗中消失状态
- 结束时又将固定卡摄像机输入
- 修正了游戏冻结时,加入一倍大厅
- 工具提示的标识时,固定的更新
- 修正了各具特色的食材的容器
- 缴械工具的取消行动时,固定破坏
- 在在Cyseal公平戏固定摄像机的焦点问题
- 人工智能的个性和主力球员之间的固定的忠诚度问题
- 固定的问题与技能要求,如果你已经从一个法杖技能
- 修正了副手武器库存和贸易的比较
- 修正了回暖的问题涉及到重量和堆放物品
- 修正了一般问题,让滞留在对话框
- 修正了战斗音乐断开控制器时,将停止
- 修正了步履蹒跚的土堆棒配方
- 修正了几个本地化问题
- 修正多人崩溃举办有玩家资料窗口中打开相关
- 修正了魔杖有时不加的技能快捷栏
- 文本不恰当的几个屏幕已解决的问题
- 修正了狗腿子过滤器
- 修正了与具有播放器库存和贸易商库存过多的物品(游戏存档应立即加载)
- 修正Hortun和Charla的追求不是终止正确(幻影森林)
- 修正了在关闭游戏的时候
- 修正了在手铲子快死的时候被卡住
- 修正错误的路线有一定的全国人民代表大会(通常在时间的尽头)
- 在时区的结束与幻镜固定的几个问题
- 有爆炸的尸体已解决的问题
- 修正了鼠标在全屏模式下离开屏幕
- 修正可能的崩溃,而使用扒手
- 修正了图标和文字已经打开,空的集装箱
- 采取了没有重量的物品扒手崩溃修复
- 修正了视频播放线程泄漏
- 如果角色已经有了在容器中的项目(如背包,胸,箱)项目自动叠加,除非该容器被锁定
- 幸运的发现效果固定
- 发生了这是在Luculla林取得了一定的游戏存档固定崩溃(试图破坏巨魔掉落)
- 固定缴械的工具包正在对取消撤防破坏
- 固定维多利亚的书:仙境的遗忘的语言并不总是正确生成
- 在铸造过程中由于教程弹出被取消固定的召唤咒语或其他任务
- 心腹UI:添加类图标
- 修正了小问题各具特色
- 固定的问题持按钮手艺高的FPS
- 修正了心腹UI消失在控制器布局
- 修正了狗腿子基础属性
- 在Cyseal公平固定摄像机问题发挥
- 荣誉模式现在可以正确删除秘技在游戏结束
- 修正技能不是在字符respec复位
- 统计和能力点汇编不再供应商中消失
- 修正不能够右击潜行模式
- 修正了一些容器不开放
- 与skillbook要求固定的问题,当你已经有了这个技能的法杖
- 集装箱从主动搜索或库存时打开固定键提示位置
- 修正啪左,右的比较工具提示
- 修正了变焦时chatlog被固定被阻止
- 修正了扒手偷仅没事的时候工作,一旦
- 在分屏教程已解决的问题
- 当在控制器模式和按ALT-F4,让键盘和鼠标输入
- 拖放拿起物品,同时在固定崩溃
- 当加载其他区域之前,右侧开关活动人物固定黑屏问题
- 在虚空龙固定摄像机的焦点问题
- 修正了在容器中不可见的项目
- 修正了手工艺接口波兰
- 修正了在俄罗斯的书界面
- 修正了有时不得不点击多次拾取物品
- 修正了不能够在特定条件下分配技能点
- 修正了崩溃的书UI的4K分辨率
- 修正了罕见的情况下,项目可以成为无形。项目将被恢复。
- 修正了退格键不灵聊天
- 不带SP1的Windows Vista和Windows 7中添加错误信息
- 修正了堵在法国的问题,将阻止进步在战斗
- 在聊天窗口中的俄罗斯修正不正确的文本
- 修正了直接连接问题,当没有互联网连接
- 其他库存固定装备

Patch Version v2.0.104.737:
- We took the opportunity to update the PC version so that it抯 in synch with
the Mac & Linux version and we also fixed a number of stability issues reported
by players.
Patch Version v2.0.103.346:
- On-screen notifications improved
- Added range to grenade tool-tips
- Added correct feedback to use of certain skills in skills menu and hotbar
- Added feature that allows you to equip items from other characters in your party via equipment screen (controller only)
- Added henchman class icons to henchmen list
- Added several missing sound events
- Improved scrolling in several interfaces
- Improved default sound levels
- Changed collecting behaviour for stacked items inside containers
- Fixed input issue with identifying items
- Fixed issue that could block connectivity to local host on startup and new game
- Fixed UI issues in options menu
- Fixed graphical issues in endgame level
- Fixed camera issues during combat
- Fixed character assignment issues
- Fixed item names flickering when a lot of loot is on the screen
- Fixed various UI issues related to text not fitting in message-boxes
- Fixed blocking issue related to loading while several characters are in dialog/listening mode
- Fixed Combat flow issue
- Fixed issue with cancelling an action removing sneak mode
- Fixed usability issues with picking up items near player characters
- Fixed issue with disappearing statuses during combat
- Fixed stuck camera input when ending turn
- Fixed game freezing when joining lobby twice
- Fixed update of tool-tips when identifying
- Fixed crafting with ingredients in containers
- Fixed destruction of disarm toolkit when cancelling action
- Fixed camera focus issue during the play at the fair in Cyseal
- Fixed loyalty issue between AI personality and main player
- Fixed issue with skill requirement if you already have the skill from a wand
- Fixed compare with offhand weapon in inventory and trade
- Fixed pick up issue related to weight and stacked items
- Fixed general problem with getting stuck in dialog
- Fixed issue that combat music would stop when disconnecting a controller
- Fixed shambling mound wand recipe
- Fixed several localization issues
- Fixed Multiplayer crash related to host having player profile window open
- Fixed wands sometimes not adding skill to hotbar
- Fixed issues with text not fitting on several screens
- Fixed henchman filters
- Fixed crash related to having too many items in player inventories and trader inventories (savegames should load now)
- Fixed Hortun and Charla quest not ending correctly (Phantom Forest)
- Fixed crash when closing the game
- Fixed getting stuck when dying with a shovel in hand
- Fixed wrong alignments with certain NPC's (usually in the End of Time)
- Fixed several issues related to magic mirror in End of Time region
- Fixed issues with exploding corpses
- Fixed Mouse leaving screen in full screen mode
- Fixed possible crash while using pickpocket
Hotfix version
Fixed unlocking the lever in Hiberheim with a key
- Fixed icon and text for containers that were already opened and empty
- Pickpocket crash fix for taking items that had no weight
- Fixed a leak in video playback thread
- Items automatically stack if character already had item in container (e.g. backpack, chest, crate) unless that container is locked
- Lucky find effect fixed
- Fixed crash that happened for some savegames that were made in Luculla forest (trying to destroy troll dropping)
Patch version
on pickup: do not stack items automatically inside a container in your inventory
- fixed disarm toolkit being destroyed on cancelling disarm
- fixed Victoria's book: Forgotten Language of Faery not always generating correctly
- fixed summon spells or other tasks being cancelled during casting due to tutorial pop-up
- henchman UI : added class icon
- Fixed minor issues with crafting
- Fixed problem with holding button to craft on high FPS
- Fixed henchman UI disappearing on controller layout
- Fixed henchman base stats
- Fixed camera issue with play at the fair in Cyseal
- Honour mode now correctly deletes savegame on game over
- Fixed skills not being reset during character respec
- Stat and ability point compendiums no longer disappear from vendor
- Fixed not being able to right-click in sneak mode
- Fixed some containers not opening
- Fixed issue with skillbook requirements when you already have this skill from wand
- Fixed button hint position of containers when opening from active search or inventory
- Fixed popping left and right for compare tooltips
- Fixed zoom being blocked when chatlog is pinned
- Fixed pickpocket only working once when stealing nothing
- Fixed issues with tutorials in split-screen
- While in controller mode and pressing alt-f4, allow keyboard and mouse input
- Fixed crash when dragging and picking up items at the same time
- Fixed black screen issue when switching active character right before loading other region
- Fixed camera focus issue on void dragon
Patch version
- Fix for invisible items in containers
- Fix for Crafting interface in Polish
- Fix for book interface in Russian
- Fix for sometimes having to click multiple times to pick up items
- Fix for not being able to assign skill points under certain conditions
Patch version
- Fix for crashing book UI in 4K resolutions
- Fix for rare case where items could become invisible. Items will be restored.
- Fix for backspace not working in chat
- Added error message for windows vista and windows 7 without SP1
- Fixed blocking issue in French that would block progress in combat
- Fixed incorrect text in Russian in chat window
- Fixed direct connect issue when no internet connection
- Fixed equipping from other inventory
Have fun everybody!



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